
Hyperparathyroidism : note

Hyperparathyroidism results from an increase in the secretion of PTH (parathyroid hormon).
The cause in 80% of the cases is a benign tumour of parathyroid tissue in one of the glands.
Hyperparathyroidism leads to bone demineralization and hypercalcaemia.
The resultant hypercalcaemia can also lead to hypophosphataemia, which has deleterious effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems, leading to general debility.
Drug treatments for hyperparathyroidism include the use of a loop diuretic such as furosemide, biphosphonates and calcitonin.
- Prepared by: Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman (pharmacist).
- Resources:  -  Clinical physiology and pharmacology,Farideh Javid and Janice McCurrie 2008.
- Copyrights: All rights are reserved for pharmacist development group 2009 - 2011.

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