
Mebendazole (Vermox) : drug card

Drug name
# Mebendazole.
Brand name
# Vermox.
Class of drug
# Anthelmintic.
# Anthelmintic (Pinworms, Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms).
# Capillariasis.
Mechanism of action
# Inhibits uptake of glucose and other nutrients
by parasitic helminths.
route / Dosage form
# Route : Oral only.
# Dosage form : Sus:- 20mg/ml,Tab:- 100mg.
# Pinworms
* Adults, children >12 years: 100 mg as single dose. Repeat in 2 weeks if infection persists. Treat other family members.
# Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms
* 100 mg b.i.d. for 3 days. Repeat dose in 3–4 weeks.
# Capillariasis
* Pediatric: 200 mg b.i.d. for 20 days. Its use in children <2 years is considered a relative contraindication.
Pregnancy / Lactation
# Pregnancy: Category C.
# Lactation: Probably present in minute amounts in breast milk. May continue breastfeeding.
Adverse reactions
# Common: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.
# Serious: bone marrow suppression, hepatitis, hypersensitivity reactions.
Important interactions
# Drugs that decrease effects/
toxicity of mebendazole: phenytoin, carbamazepine, cimetidine.
Contraindications / precautions
# Use with caution in patients with liver disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s ileitis.
Other notes
# Food: Take with food.
Practical notes
# Avoid driving and other activities requiring mental alertness or that are potentially dangerous until response to drug is known.
# Patient and family members should shower frequently if
# Keep hands away from mouth.
# Keep fingernails short and clean.
# Do not shake bedding as this could result in airborne spread of ova.
# Counsel patient’s family members to check for worm infestation and treat accordingly.
# Disinfect toilet daily; wash all fruits and vegetables; cook all meats and vegetables thoroughly.
# Wear gloves when preparing food.
# Patient and family members should be taught how to avoid
   reinfestation with these worms. The following measures
   should be undertaken to avoid reinfection:
  (1) perianal area should be washed thoroughly;
  (2) hands and fingernails should be cleaned before meals and after defecation;
  (3) undergarments and bedclothes should be changed daily.
# Mebendazole is the drug of choice for whipworm; it can produce up to 70% cure with a single treatment. The cure rate for roundworms, pinworms, and hookworms is 90–100%. The criterion for cure is negative perianal swabs for 7 days.
# For those treated for hookworm and whipworm: it may be necessary to take an iron supplement every day and for 6 months following treatment if anemia is present.
Generic names
# Egypt :Antiver,Vermin,Anthelmin,Mebamox,Verm1.
# KSA :- Vermox,Bendazole,Parazole,wormazole.

- Prepared by: Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman. (pharmacist).
- Resources:   - Handbook of clinical drug data, 10th edition. - Clinician's handbook of prescription drugs . - Physicians' Drug   manual 2005 Edition .  -  Master of Egyptian drugs.   -  Master of Saudi drugs.
- Copyrights: All rights are reserved for pharmacist development group 2009 - 2011.

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