
Allopurinol (Zyloric, Zyloprim) : drug card

Drug name
# Allopurinol.
Brand name
# Zyloric, Zyloprim, Aloprim.
Class of drug
# Treatment for gout, prophylaxsis for chemotherapy induced hyperuricemia.
# PO for maintenance of moderately severe tophaceous Gout.
# PO for control of gout.
# PO or IV for secondary hyperuricemia associated with vigorous treatment of malignancies.
Mechanism of action
# Inhibits xanthine oxidase, the enzyme that converts hypoxanthine to xanthine. Xanthine is a precursor for uric acid production; thus uric acid production is decreased.
route / Dosage form
# Route : Oral and parintinal.
# Dosage form : Tab 100, 300 mg; Inj 500 mg..
# Mild gout: 200–300 mg/d.
# Moderate or severe gout: 400–600 mg/d.
# Prophylaxis against acute attack: 100 mg/d. Maximum: 800 mg/d.
# Prevention of hyperuricemia during cancer chemotherapy:
* Adults, children >10 years: 600–800 mg/d, 2–3 divided doses, 1–2 days before chemotherapy for 2–3 days. IV
200–400 mg/m2/d.
* Children <10 years: 200–300 mg/m2/d, 2–4 divided doses.
IV 200–300 mg/m2/d.
Pregnancy / Lactation
# Pregnancy: Category C.
# Lactation: Appears in breast milk. Considered compatible by American Academy of Pediatrics.
Adverse reactions
# Common: skin rash (generally maculopapular).
# Serious: agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hepatic injury, Stevens–Johnson syndrome, vasculitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, neuritis, cataracts, renal toxicity.
Important interactions
# Drugs that increase effects/toxicity of allopurinol: thiazide
diurectics, ACE inhibitors, vitamin C.
# Allopurinol increases effects/toxicity of the following: ampicillin, amoxicillin, oral anticoagulants, 6-mercaptopurine, cyclophosphamide,
 theophylline, chlorpropamide, alcohol.
Contraindications / precautions
# Children (except for hyperuricemia secondary to malignancy).
# Do not restart the drug in patients who have developed severe reactions.
Other notes
# Food: Take with meals or immediately after eating. Have patient drink large amounts of fluids.
# reduced dosage in renal impairment.
Practical notes
# Limit foods with high purine content (liver or other organ meats, salmon, and sardines).
# Do not take large amounts of vitamin C.
# Avoid alcohol and other CNS depressants such as opiate analgesics and sedatives (eg, diazepam [Valium]) when taking this drug.
# Do not take iron salts while on allopurinol.
# Limit exposure to UV light as this may increase the risk of cataracts.
# This drug may be taken with food, milk, or an antacid to minimize stomach upset. Adults should drink at least 10–12 full glasses (each containing 8 fluid ounces) of fluid each day.
# Report any skin rash, painful urination, blood in urine, eye irritation, swelling of lips or mouth, itching, chills, fever, sore throat, nausea, or vomiting while taking this drug.
# Allopurinol can cause drowsiness; use caution while driving or performing other tasks requiring alertness, coordination, or physical dexterity.
# Because the incidence of acute attacks of gout may increase during the first few months of treatment with allopurinol; Colchicine, a uricosuric agent, or an NSAID should be added to the regimen as a prophylactic measure.
Generic names
# Egypt : Zyloric, No-uric, Lessuric, Uric- pure, crystasol, High pure .
# KSA :- Zyloric, Apurol,Loric,No-uric,Purinol,Uroquad.

- Prepared by: Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman. (pharmacist).
- Resources:   - Handbook of clinical drug data, 10th edition. - Clinician's handbook of prescription drugs . - Physicians' Drug   manual 2005 Edition .  -  Master of Egyptian drugs.   -  Master of Saudi drugs.
- Copyrights: All rights are reserved for pharmacist development group 2009 - 2011.

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