
Constipation : note

Constipation is associated with slow transit of faecal material through the large intestine and increased fluid absorption, resulting in hard, dry faeces.
Constipation is common in the elderly, in people with emotional problems or those with an inactive/sedentary lifestyle.
• The main causes of constipation are:  lack of fiber and fluid in the diet, intestinal muscle weakness and neurogenic disorders.
Some drugs also can cause constipation such as:- opiates (as morphine and codeine), calcium channel blocking agents, antacids containing aluminium compounds and iron salts used in the treatment of anaemia.
The main drug treatment for constipation is laxatives. Laxatives are four main types: bulk-forming preparations, hyperosmolar or saline solutions, faecal softeners/ wetting agents and stimulant or irritant laxatives.
Adverse effects of laxative use or misuse include: flatulence, abdominal distension, cramps and discomfort, weakness, diarrhoea, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

- Prepared by: Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman (pharmacist).
- Resources:  -  Clinical physiology and pharmacology,Farideh Javid and Janice McCurrie 2008.
- Copyrights: All rights are reserved for pharmacist development group 2009 - 2011.

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