
Alendronate (Fosamax) : drug card

Drug name
# Alendronate.
Brand name
# Fosamax.
Class of drug
# Bisphosphonate derivative/treatment for osteoporosis.
# Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.
# Paget’s disease.
Mechanism of action
# Inhibits osteoclast activity. Decreases bone resorption and increases bone mass.
route / Dosage form
# Route : Oral only.
# Dosage form : Tab:- 5, 10, 35, 40, 70 mg.
# Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis
  * Adults: 10 mg/day, or 70mg/week.
  * Children: Safety and effectiveness not established in            children<18 years.
# Paget’s disease
  * Adults: 40 mg/d, 6 months.
Pregnancy / Lactation
# Pregnancy: Category C.
# Lactation: No data available. Best to avoid.
Adverse reactions
# Common: none.
# Serious: esophageal ulcer, GI bleeding.
Important interactions
# Drugs that increase effects/toxicity of alendronate: ranitidine and aspirin.
# Drugs that decrease effects/toxicity of alendronate: concomitant calcium supplements and antacids.
# Because a variety of medications may decrease the absorption of alendronate, patients must wait at least 30 minutes after taking medications before taking alendronate.
Contraindications / precautions
# Safety of alendronate in combination with hormone replacement therapy has not been established.
# Hypocalcemia or vitamin D deficiency must be corrected prior to treatment.
# May cause severe esophagitis if adequate esophageal transient not present. Cases of GI bleeding due to esophageal irritation have been reported. Screen patients for symptoms of esophageal stricture or motility disorder (dysphagia, noncardiac chest pain) prior to use. Patients should be advised to report symptoms of chest pain, dysphagia, odynophagia, or GI bleeding if these occur while taking alendrondrate.
# Patient’s with Paget’s disease are at risk for GI side effects and muscle or bone pain.
# Kidney disease: Not given if creatinine clearance <35 mL/min.
Other notes
# Food: Drug must be taken at least 30 minutes before the first food, beverage, or medicine of the day with full glass of water. Must be in upright position for 30 minutes following ingestion.
Practical notes
# Maintain adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D.
# Take calcium supplement at least 30 minutes after drug ingestion.
# Do not lie down until at least 30 minutes after taking this drug.
# Perform weight bearing exercises as a means of increasing bone mass.
# Stop smoking and alcohol intake.
Generic names
# Egypt : Fosamax, Osteomepha, Bonapex, Alendrene, Osteomax, Alendomax, Osteonate, Alendex.
# KSA :- Fosamax, Lendomax, Osteodens, Osteomax, Osteve, Alendocan, Bonamax, Osteo mepha, Alendro.

- Prepared by: Dr. Mohamed Abdel Rahman. (pharmacist).
- Resources:   - Handbook of clinical drug data, 10th edition. - Clinician's handbook of prescription drugs . - Physicians' Drug   manual 2005 Edition .  -  Master of Egyptian drugs.   -  Master of Saudi drugs.
- Copyrights: All rights are reserved for pharmacist development group 2009 - 2011.

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